Things to Know (April)
If your church owns property and is located in Cook County, you probably received something recently from the Assessor’s Office. Several churches had many questions about it, so we asked our attorneys to write-up an explainer.
These are the same attorneys that have represented my church in our litigation with the City over parking regulations. Here are “6 Lessons I’ve Learned from a Lawsuit.” The 7th would be: try not to get into a lawsuit.
Here is someone to know about – Tae Hwang.
After many months of prayer, Tae and Faith moved to Evanston in 2019 to plant a Bible-believing church and to reach the lost in the community. After three years of planting seeds and building relationships, Beautiful Church was launched in September of 2022. God has been graciously moving in Beautiful Church by maturing young believers in the knowledge of Scripture and unity in the church as well as bringing seekers steadily and slowly. Currently, they have three non-believers who are regularly attending a missional community. Please pray for their salvation as well fruit from their Easter Egg Hunt and Easter Service that they invited many guests to.
You can see all past ‘Someones to Know’ here.
Here are some events to know about –
Weekly Prayer Call every Wednesday from 9:00 to 9:30 AM. Just click here to join anytime.
Monthly Discussion on the first Wednesday of every month from 9:00 to 10:00 AM.
On 5/3 we will be talking about “Sermon Prep for the Busy Pastor” led by Dr. Bryan Price.
Upcoming Pastors’ Lunches for fellowship:
Pray for the NAMB Church Planter Assessment Retreat happening 5/8-9, that the Lord would keep raising up qualified candidates to start new churches in our city!
There will be a Multiply Conference completely in Spanish to help our Spanish-speaking churches grow on 5/20 starting at 8:30 A.M. at Iglesia Cristiana El Camino in Des Plaines. Register here.
Kids from all Chicagoland Baptist churches are invited to Gospelife’s Summer Camp! More info here.
The Serve Tour (8/4-5) is going to be the biggest thing we’ve done together in Chicago in a long time! Check out more info here. We have over 1,300 people signed up to come do stuff, but not enough projects yet. Submit a project proposal here. Don’t be afraid to dream and to ask!
All Church Equipping Conference (ACEC) is put on by the Chicagoland Baptists African-American Pastors’ Fellowship, but it is for all churches! It will be held 10/20-21.
Save the date for our Chicagoland Baptists Annual Meeting 11/18!
Here is something else to know about –
Among the many resources LifeWay has to offer churches is the YOU curriculum, specifically contextualized for the urban environment. Come learn about that and many other things at the Black Church Essentials conference led by Dr. Mark Croston and held at Hillcrest Baptist Church 5/18-20.
Our condolences and prayers go out to the family of Pastor Rene Corona and the Iglesia Bautista Peniel church family at Pastor Corona’s recent passing. He was a faithful servant in our city for many years. Hebrews 13:7
In His Service,
Nathan Carter
Chicagoland Baptists
Executive Director/AMS
1356 N. Rockwell Street, Chicago, IL 60622
You can donate to Chicagoland Baptists here.
You can see past editions of ‘Things to Know’ here.
You can sign up for our weekly ‘Quick Word’ here.
The mission of Chicagoland Baptists is to facilitate relationships among the Baptist churches of this Great City so that they can more effectively fulfill the Great Commission and live out the Great Commandment.
Here are our state and national partners for resourcing the church and reaching the lost: