Things to Know (August)
Pray for students, teachers, and administrators as they are going back to schools and campuses across Chicagoland today…
Praise God for what happened at the Serve Tour earlier this month! We had over 700 volunteers, put in 2,800 construction hours, served 3,488 people, shared the gospel 982 times, and had 26 professions of faith. We’ll be discussing how we can continue that momentum at our next monthly Pastors’ Lunch coming up on 8/31 (more details below).
Here is someone to know about – Josh Burks.
Josh pastors Ashburn Baptist Church - Chicago. It was replanted in June of 2020. Over the past three years, they have watched God restore families, heal the broken, and bring people into his family. Ashburn Chicago is one of three locations and six congregations that make up Ashburn Baptist Church. Their sole focus is to help people find new life in Jesus. Josh and his wife Cara have a two-year-old son named Briggs. They love Chicago because of the people, the pizza, and the Bears. If they aren’t in the city, they hope to be visiting one of our nation’s National Parks.
You can see all past ‘Someones to Know’ here.
Here are some events to know about –
Weekly Prayer Calls every Wednesday from 9:00 to 9:30 AM. Just click here to join anytime.
Monthly Discussions on the first Wednesday of every month from 9:00 to 10:00 AM.
On 9/6 we’ll have Joel Kurz of The Garden Church in Baltimore with us to talk about “Churches in Impoverished Neighborhoods.”
Upcoming Pastors’ Lunches for fellowship:
Want to renew the evangelistic zeal of your church? Come and bring some people with you to the NAMB Evangelism Training happening next Monday (8/28) at Ashburn in Orland Park from 10:30 AM to 1:15 PM. Register here. The night before there is an Ignite Evangelism Rally there at 6:00 PM.
There’s a Co-Working Open House at The Rockwell on 9/21 from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM. Come see what the building looks like and how you could use it. RSVP here.
On 10/4 we will be hosting the Multiply Illinois Church Planting Hub at The Rockwell from 9:00 AM to 12:30 PM.
The All Church Equipping Conference (ACEC) is 10/20-21 at Hillcrest. More details coming soon…
The Annual Meeting for Chicagoland Baptists is 11/18 at Brainard Avenue. Please mark your calendars.
Here is something else to know about –
Have you heard of Administer Justice? Nate Praytor is one of our SEND Network church planters with Gospel Grace Church up in Woodstock. Through this ministry his church hosts a monthly legal aid clinic. Here’s his testimony:
“Through our partnership with Administer Justice we have been able to have a ‘big-church’ ministry at a smaller church plant. The start-up cost is almost non-existent and Administer Justice provides all the resources and training. We’ve been doing this over a year and it has provided a great opportunity to demonstrate in a tangible manner the love of Christ for our community.”
Consider checking it out if you’re looking for more ways to engage your neighborhood.
For the Sake of the Name,
Nathan Carter
Chicagoland Baptists
Executive Director/AMS
1356 N. Rockwell Street, Chicago, IL 60622
You can apply to officially affiliate with Chicagoland Baptists here.
You can donate to Chicagoland Baptists here.
You can see past editions of ‘Things to Know’ here.
You can sign up for our weekly ‘A Quick Word’ here.
The mission of Chicagoland Baptists is to facilitate relationships among the Baptist churches of this Great City so that they can more effectively fulfill the Great Commission and live out the Great Commandment.