Things to Know (June)
Jump on here to join our weekly Prayer Calls every Wednesday at 9:00 AM!
You’ve probably heard a little about what happened at the SBC Annual Meeting last week. I was one of the 18,901 people present in New Orleans. When you have that many people and an open mic, it’s bound to get interesting! But two things emerged clearly:
The vast majority of Southern Baptists are opposed to having women pastors. Roughly 90% voted to uphold the Executive Committee’s decision to disfellowship certain churches with female pastors. And a motion passed to amend the Constitution so as to further clarify that churches with female pastors would not be considered in ‘friendly cooperation’ with the convention (this will need to be voted on again next year in Indianapolis to take effect).
The vast majority of Southern Baptists are opposed to abuse of any kind. There was overwhelming support for a resolution affirming women’s roles in fulfilling the Great Commission (and no one gleefully applauded the decision to disfellowship the churches with female pastors). One church that had been removed for mishandling issues of sexual abuse appealed the decision and was firmly denied. And the report of the Abuse Reform Implementation Task Force was received with somber gratitude and their work was extended.
If you have any questions about what happened I’d be glad to discuss this with you further!
Here is someone to know about – John Jou.
John pastors 168 Church, which meets in Lisle. The name comes from their desire to help people leverage their 168 hours every week for Jesus (and also 1 Chronicles 16:8). The church launched in the middle of COVID (March 2021), recognizing that many people were looking for hope. They have woven outreach and evangelism into their DNA, partnering with a local autism school, serving refugees, building dressers for veterans transitioning into new housing, and so much more! John and his wife Tiffany have three little kids. John also serves as the Training Champion for our Send Chicago (NAMB) church planting team.
You can see all past ‘Someones to Know’ here.
Here are some events to know about –
Weekly Prayer Calls every Wednesday from 9:00 to 9:30 AM. Just click here to join anytime.
Monthly Discussions on the first Wednesday of every month from 9:00 to 10:00 AM.
We will be taking a break from this for the month of July.
Upcoming Pastors’ Lunches for fellowship:
Dan Miller has been pastoring Eden Baptist in MN since 1989 and we’re bringing him in this Saturday (6/24) to encourage Chicagoland Baptist pastors towards ‘Faithful Shepherding’. Register here.
The All Church Equipping Conference (ACEC) is 10/20-21 at Hillcrest. Start thinking about leaders from your church that you’d like to bring with you.
Save the date for our Chicagoland Baptists Annual Meeting 11/18 at Brainard Avenue.
Here is something else to know about –
The Serve Tour (8/4-5) is coming up fast! We currently have 45 different projects that people in your churches can sign-up to be part of. Registration is live here.
On that Saturday evening (8/5) we are having a city-wide celebration service at Broadview. I would love to have every Chicagoland Baptist church represented there!!!! A free dinner is served at 5:00 PM followed by worship at 6:00 PM. Please get your churches out to this! I’m praying it will be a galvanizing moment for our collective mission here in Chicagoland.
Also, the co-working space at the Chicagoland Baptists building (1356 N. Rockwell) is ready! Come by and check it out!
Here for You,
Nathan Carter
Chicagoland Baptists
Executive Director/AMS
1356 N. Rockwell Street, Chicago, IL 60622
You can donate to Chicagoland Baptists here.
You can see past editions of ‘Things to Know’ here.
You can sign up for our weekly ‘Quick Word’ here.
The mission of Chicagoland Baptists is to facilitate relationships among the Baptist churches of this Great City so that they can more effectively fulfill the Great Commission and live out the Great Commandment.
Here are our state and national partners for resourcing the church and reaching the lost: